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Gray Area Drinking: What It Is & What to Do About It

Gray Area Drinking: What It Is & What to Do About It

Gray area drinking is a term that refers to having a potentially problematic relationship with alcohol. Gray area drinkers don't meet the full criteria for an alcohol use disorder, but they do exhibit signs of alcohol-related issues, and their symptoms can worsen progressively over time.

In many ways, gray area drinking exists on a large spectrum. It falls between moderated, recreational alcohol consumption and full-blown addiction. But it's a slippery slope, and it can quickly escalate into more serious problems.

Understanding Gray Area Drinking Habits

Gray area drinking isn't a clinically-defined term, but it speaks to the disordered relationship some people have with alcohol. Gray area drinking isn't so much about a specific amount (although some will cite up to three drinks or up to four drinks depending on your sex). Instead, it's about the overall mindset you have with drinking.

Signs You May Be a Gray Area Drinker

Problematic drinking doesn't necessarily adhere to a specific set of symptoms, but gray area drinkers tend to engage in predictable patterns that indicate issues with heavy drinking or relying on alcohol to self-medicate mental health symptoms.

You may be a gray area drinker if you resonate with some or all of the following symptoms:

It's Hard to Stick to One Drink

Gray area drinkers can sometimes follow their self-imposed boundaries when it comes to alcohol consumption. But many struggle to stop drinking when they want to stop. They may drink more than they anticipate, and once they start, it can be challenging to define their endpoint.

You Frequently Engage in Binge Drinking

Binge drinking is fairly normalized in mainstream society. However, it comes with serious health risks. Ultimately, binge drinking can affect your judgment, insight, and overall impulse control. It may lead to risky behaviors with other drugs and sex. Likewise, it can impair memory and adversely affect your relationships.

You've Never Experienced a Serious Rock Bottom

Many people believe that their alcohol intake is permissible so long as they don't hit rock bottom. But the definition of rock bottom looks different for everyone, and it's possible to still function well despite having signs of alcohol abuse. In addition, many people rely on strong themes of denial, defensiveness, and intellectualization to rationalize their drinking habits.

You Feel Insecure (Or Question) Your Relationship With Alcohol

Many people experiencing gray area drinking internally debate whether they should quit drinking. Some will even go several weeks or months without alcohol. But they don't really feel comfortable saying they're sober or that they've truly stopped drinking. There's often a sense of shame associated with drinking, even if they've been secretive about it.

What Should Gray Area Drinkers Do?

We all know that excessive drinking is risky, particularly when it comes to withdrawal symptoms, addiction, mental health issues, and physical health effects. But social drinking gets murkier, and even if you don't have a physical dependency on alcohol, you still might hear that still small voice telling you something is problematic.

Consider a Designated Detox or Sober Challenge

Some people experiment with their relationships with alcohol by committing to a point of abstinence. This type of detox can serve several functions, including seeing how it feels to stop drinking altogether. It can also help you discern any positive or negative effects that arise, such as changes in sleep, anxiety, appetite, and more. If you're concerned about serious withdrawal symptoms or your inability to stop on your own, you may benefit from attending an alcohol detox program.

Seek Support

The sober curious movement is built on people exploring their relationships with alcohol. There's no agenda beyond cultivating deeper insight into your behavioral patterns. This work entails confronting uncomfortable emotions, but it can help you establish whether it's possible to moderate drinking.

Pay Attention to What Triggers Your Drinking

What makes you want to reach for a drink? Is it because you feel uncomfortable in certain social settings? Are you seeking a calming effect after a long day at work? Does a glass of wine help you unwind before bed? No trigger is inherently problematic, but it's important to understand the role they play when it comes to your alcohol consumption.

Explore Alternatives to Drinking

Even if you engage in low-risk drinking, it's always important to establish healthy coping skills to manage life's inevitable ups and downs. Besides turning to your next drink, what else can you do to take care of yourself when you're upset, lonely, bored, or anxious? If it's hard for you to identify any specific strategies, now is the time to engage in deeper self-exploration.

How We Can Support Your Drinking Recovery Efforts

At Resurface Group, we embrace evidence-based, dynamic methods for substance use recovery. While many programs insist on abstinence, we are more invested in finding solutions that work best for you. For some people, this does look like abstinence, but for others, it's about embracing harm reduction or engaging in more mindful drinking.

Our program integrates multidisciplinary treatment that focuses on your self-esteem, self-care, relationships, and overall well-being in daily life. Gray area drinking can be a slippery slope, and it's important to take care of yourself if you're struggling.

We are here to provide support and guidance throughout your recovery journey. Contact us today to learn more.

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